Instructions for taking cassock measurements

1. Chest circumference

2. Waist circumference

3. Chest height

4. Waist height

5. Garment length

6. Sleeve length

7. Upper arm measurement

8. Collar

9. Shoulder length

10. Length of back

11. Total body height

For measurement purposes, tie a length of rope around your waist (at the narrowest part of the waist or where you wish for the waist seam to be placed). This will ensure that the waist of your imagined garment will remain in the same place.

Ask another person to take the actual measurements, as it is difficult to take them yourself without making errors.

Stand up straight and, other than during the chest circumference measurement, rest your arms naturally at your sides.

1. Measure the circumference of the chest at the widest point. Make sure that the measuring tape runs straight across the back.

2. Waist measurements are usually taken at the narrowest part of the waist. If you are ordering model nr 1, please take the measurement at the height at which you wish the seam between the upper and lower parts of the garment to run.

3. Measure the height of the chest from beside the neck, from the shoulder seam to the highest point of the chest.

4. Measure the height of the waist from beside the neck, from the shoulder seam to the highest point of the waist. The measuring tape should run directly over the chest.

5. Desired length of the garment. Start the measurement from the same point as the previous measurement.

6. For the length of the sleeve, you can take the measurement from a jacket or coat that has a suitable sleeve length. Measure the sleeve starting from the seam at which the shoulder is joined to the sleeve.

7. Measure the circumference of the upper arm at the widest point. (NOTE! Not the width of your garment sleeve!)

8. For the collar measurement, place the measuring tape around the neck at the point where the garment's collar should lie.

9. Length of the shoulder from collar to armhole. For this measurement, you can again use the jacket or coat that has the suitable shoulder length.

10. Length of your back from back collar seam to the top of the waist.

11. Total body height = your own height